Friday, April 29, 2011

#32 More Pictures

1. The is the mosaic under floor of the Basilica of the Nativity from Constantine's church circa 332 AD.
2. St. Jerome, Mary and the cross from the Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria.
3. The tympanum mosaic on the Basilica of the Agony with the deer on top.  The photo does not do it justice.
4. This is the ultra-conservative family I mentioned that belong to a sect that follows a somewhat radical rabbi.  The only things a bit unusual is that the man does not have a black coat on, his hair is much thicker on the sides and the wife's head is shaved.  Other than that they look pretty normal.  Well maybe the kid a year thing is a little different too.
5. That's the Dome of the Rock atop the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives.
6. The Western Wall of the Temple Mount, men's side at about 10PM.  The white curtain on the right separates the men's side from the women's.  If you can see the small boy  on the right in the pale yellow, long sleeved jacket, his arms are spread out because he's dancing as part of a circle of men that were singing.  Somewhat unusual at the Western Wall because most gatherings here are somber, but since they are celebrating their liberation from Egyptian bondage I guess this is the exception.

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